Falkland Light Railway


  /  /1896Falkland Light Railway
First discussion of a railway between Falkland Road and the village of Falkland. The line was not built.
  /  /1906Falkland Light Railway
Order for railway issued. North British Railway to work line.
  /  /1909Falkland Light Railway
Extension of time allowed to build line, with some alterations proposed.
  /  /1911Falkland Light Railway
Further extension of time to build line.
  /  /1914Falkland Light Railway
Plan to build line abandoned as Great War begins.
  /  /1919Falkland Light Railway
With the end of the Great War the Rural Transport (Scotland) Committee considers the line, but will not support it.
  /  /1923Falkland Light Railway
George Bennie suggests the line could be built as a railplane. Not built.