Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co


  /  /1852Hull and Leith Steam Packet Co Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co Ltd
The company name is changed to Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co Ltd when a regular service from Leith to Hamburg begins.
  /  /1862Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co Ltd
James Currie, who later has his own business, starts with the company.
  /  /1919Donald Currie and Co
Company wound up and steamers transferred to the Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co.
  /  /1933Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co Isaac Line Ltd
The Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co buys the Isaac Line Ltd (who operated to Portugal and the Mediterranean).
  /  /1940Leith, Hull and Hamburg Steam Packet Co
With the Second World War sailing to Europe ended and the company was renamed Currie Line Ltd.