Straiton Lime Works


  /  /1921Straiton Lime Works
Original locomotive transferred to Shotts Iron Works.
  /  /1921Straiton Lime Works
Locomotive 'Drumpeller' transferred from Lanarkshire. (The Drumpeller Railway?)
  /  /1947Straiton Lime Works
Transferred to Bairds and Scottish Steel.
  /  /1947Straiton Lime Works
Two locomotives transferred; from Bairds and Scottish Steel and the Shotts Iron Works.
  /  /1950Straiton Lime Works
Works and railways badly run-down
  /  /1956Straiton Lime Works
Locomotive transferred from the Coltness Iron Works.
  /  /1961Straiton Lime Works
Closure announced
  /11/1961Straiton Lime Works
Closed and remaining locomotive transferred to Bairds and Scottish Steel's Northburn Steel Works.
  /  /1963Straiton Lime Works
Railway line re-laid complete with new loop at Straiton
  /  /1964Straiton Lime Works
Line lifted
  /  /1968Straiton Lime Works
Mortonhall Pit used as rubbish landfill.
  /  /1970Straiton Lime Works
Line to Mortonhall Pit obliterated by new road.
  /  /1989Straiton Lime Works
Straiton Oil Works
Retail park built over remains of works