Bowling Harbour

Taken in the evening, late in the summer of 1987, the puffer Sitka (formerly Skylight) is seen by the quay (once rail served) in the north east of Bowling Harbour by lock 40 of the Forth and Clyde Canal. Gone were the days of doubling as the Vital Spark in the 1972 television version of Para Handy. She was built in 1936 by Ferguson Brothers. At the end of her career she ended up here at Bowling for a time, during which she was vandalised, sank and lost her wheelhouse. Subsequently she was taken to Lamont's Dock with hopes of regaining that spark, but probably ended up being cut up on the shore at Scott-Lithgow.

Location: Bowling Harbour

Original line: Forth and Clyde Canal

Photographer: Ewan Crawford

Contact photographer: Ewan Crawford

Contact editor

Date: 1987

Image number: 80434

Other photographs of Bowling Harbour on RailScot