
Location type


Names and dates

Burnhill Junction [Station] (1859-1893)
Burnhill (1893-1939)

Note: text in square brackets is added for clarity and was not part of the location's name.

Opened on the Nanny Mayor's Incline Deviation (Stockton and Darlington Railway).

Chronology Dates

  /  /1893Nanny Mayor's Incline Deviation (Stockton and Darlington Railway)
Burnhill Junction [Station] renamed Burnhill.
  /  /1939Nanny Mayor's Incline Deviation (Stockton and Darlington Railway)
Burnhill closed to passengers.
  /  /1969Nanny Mayor's Incline Deviation (Stockton and Darlington Railway)
Closed from Burnhill Junction to Whitehill Junction. Later used to access Burn Hill MOD and Burnhill.