Chichester [Metro]

Location type


Name and dates

Chichester [Metro]

Note: text in square brackets is added for clarity and was not part of the location's name.

Opened on the Marsden Railway.

Nearby stations
High Shields [1st]
High Shields [2nd]
Westoe Lane
South Shields [1st]
South Shields [2nd]
Tyne Dock [Metro]
South Shields
Tyne Dock
Jarrow Docks
Tyne Commission Quay
South Shields [NER]
Jarrow [S and T]
North Shields [1st]
Marsden Cottage Halt
Garden Lane Junction
St Hilda Colliery
Westoe Colliery
Tyne Dock Sidings
Harton Junction
Edward Dock [Tyne]
Tyne Dock Bottom Freight Terminal
Harton High Staiths
Brandling Drops
Harton Low Staiths
South Shields Ferry Terminal
Tyne Commissioners Staiths
Tyne Commissioners Staiths
Stanhope Drops
Tyne Drops [South Shields]
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.