
Location type


Name and dates

Keady (1909-1932)

Opened on the Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway.


  /  /1909Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway
Opened from Armagh to Keady. A short tunnel through an embankment was left for the never built Newry, Keady and Tynan Railway.
  /  /1910Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway
Extended from Keady to Castleblayney (access by means of a siding).
  /  /1923Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway
Following Partition, the line was closed between Keady and Castleblayney due to the introduction of Customs.
  /  /1933Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway
Closed to passengers from Keady to Armagh.
  /  /1957Castleblayney, Keady and Armagh Railway
Closed to goods from Keady to Armagh.