Milford Haven

Location type


Name and dates

Milford Haven

Station code: MFH National Rail
Where: Pembrokeshire, Wales
Opened on the Milford Railway.

Chronology Dates

  /  /1845South Wales Railway
Incorporated to run from Gloucester to Fishguard but built to Neyland near Milford Haven instead.
07/09/1863Milford Railway
Opened from Johnston to Milford Haven.

News items

29/01/2016Edwina Hart dismisses cross-border trains 'threat' [BBC News]
23/11/2013Alan Titchmarsh: our railways gladden the heart [Telegraph]
28/07/2012Whitland level crossing train-lorry crash investigated [BBC News]
19/12/2011Whitland train crash: Lorry driver, 48, is arrested [BBC News]