Pepel Island Pier

Location type

Name and dates

Pepel Island Pier (1933-1975)

Opened on the Sierra Leone Development Co Ltd.


  /  /1930Sierra Leone Development Co Ltd
Following discovery of iron ore in Sierra Leone DELCO is formed by William Baird & Co Ltd, Northern Mercantile & Investment Co and a minority share owned by United Africa Co Ltd. DELCO is formed to develop the iron ore field at Marampa Mine and a railway of just over 50 miles which ran west to a port Pepel Island Pier, Tagrin Bay.
  /  /1931Sierra Leone Development Co Ltd
Construction of the Pepel Island Pier to Marampa Mine railway begins.
  /02/1933Sierra Leone Development Co Ltd
Railway opened from Pepel Island Pier inland to Marampa Mine iron ore field.