Stanton New Iron Works

Location type


Name and dates

Stanton New Iron Works

Nearby stations
Stanton Gate
Ilkeston [1st]
Stapleford and Sandiacre
Ilkeston Town
Ilkeston (GNR)
Toton Lane [Tram]
Inham Road [Tram]
Eskdale Drive [Tram]
Bramcote Lane [Tram]
Cator Lane [Tram]
High Road - Central College [Tram]
West Hallam
Trowell Junction
Stanton Works
Stanton Iron Works
Babbington Branch Junction
Oakwood Grange Colliery
Ilkeston South Junction
Cossall Colliery
Ilkeston West Junction
Stanton Junction
West Hallam Colliery Junction
Manners Colliery
Ilkeston North Curve Junction
Mapperley Junction
Nutbrook Junction
Toton MPD
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.