Nearby stations Tottington Woolfold Greenmount Brandlesholme Road Halt Burrs Country Park Woodhill Road Halt Summerseat Holcombe Brook Bury Bolton Street Buckley Wells Bury Interchange Bury Knowsley Street Radcliffe (Black Lane) Pimhole Ramsbottom | Summerseat Viaduct Bury Castlecroft Goods Tottington Junction Bury North Tunnel Bury South Junction Brooksbottom Tunnel Nuttall Tunnel Bury Loco Junction Bury Loop Junction Bridge 20 Canal feed and overflow [MBBC] Warth River Irwell Bridge Bradley Fold Junction Roch Viaduct Tourist/other Knowles Level Crossing Halt Hagside Level Crossing |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |
![]() Illustrated Historical Survey of the Railways in and Around Bury | ![]() Roads and Rails of Manchester |