Three Bridges

Location type


Name and dates

Three Bridges

Station code: TBD National Rail
Where: London and South East, England
Opened on the London and Brighton Railway.
Opened on the East Grinstead Railway.
Opened on the Three Bridges to Horsham Branch (London, Brighton and South Coast Railway).

News items

06/03/2023Bridges transformed in Northamptonshire and Leicestershire this month to pave way for electrification [Network Rail]
30/06/2022Highland mainline closed as freight train container collides with bridges [Press and Journal]
16/10/2015Thameslink Three Bridges depot opens its doors [Global Rail News]
26/03/2013It looks like Dr Beeching was too hasty after all [Telegraph]
05/01/2013Timelapse of Crossrail demolition of bridges [BBC News]
16/01/2011Three bridges rebuilt on the Settle - Carlisle line [News & Star]