Work on Inverness Airport station progressing well [Network Rail]

Date: 21/12/2021

Network Rail has released a series of images which show progress on the early stages of the development of the new Inverness Airport station.

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Work on Inverness Airport station progressing well

Network Rail

Network Rail has released a series of images which show progress on the early stages of the development of the new Inverness Airport station.

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Network Rail has released a series of images which show progress on the early stages of the development of the new Inverness Airport station. Work got underway on the new £14m station in October and early activity has seen the site set up, groundworks and the creation of embankments at the location adjacent to the airport. [View west to Inverness. -RS]
Location: Inverness Airport
Company: Inverness and Nairn Railway
/12/2021 Network Rail
Plans for the new Inverness Airport station.
Location: Inverness Airport
Company: Inverness and Nairn Railway
/12/2020 Network Rail
Progress on the early development of the new Inverness Airport station is shown in a series of Network Rail images. [View east to the former Dalcross station, Nairn and Aberdeen. The airport is off to the left. -RS]
Location: Inverness Airport
Company: Inverness and Nairn Railway
16/11/2021 Network Rail

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