Towns and villages shine as BBC show explores River Ayr [Cumnock Chronicle]

Date: 10/01/2022

Towns and villages across East Ayrshire made an impression onscreen recently after featuring in the BBC programme Grand Tours of Scotlands Rivers.

The history of places such as the old mining village of Glenbuck, Muirkirk and Catrine took centre stage in the riveting programme presented by historian and avid traveller, Paul Murton, exploring the River Ayr and all its gems.

External links

Cumnock Chronicle

Grand Tours of Scotland's Rivers - Series 1: 6. Salt of the Earth

BBC iPlayer - Grand Tours of Scotland's Rivers - Salt of the Earth

The River Ayr is the destination for this Grand Tour, which ends on the Clyde coast.

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Tags: x Ballochmyle Viaduct x Glenbuck x Muirkirk x Catrine x Paul Murton