Belgium: The lessons Infrabel learned from the flood: We had never expected the rail embankments to become so unstable []

Date: 07/04/2022

'The flooding of last year was the worst disaster we ever experienced on the Belgian railways', said civil engineer at Infrabel Bart Kamoen at the RailTech webinar on Climate Change Adaptation. How did Infrabel deal with the aftermath and what is needed to make the railways more resilient?

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The lessons Infrabel learned from the flood: We had never expected the rail embankments to become so unstable

The flooding of last year was the worst disaster we ever experienced on the Belgian railways”, said civil engineer at Infrabel Bart Kamoen at the RailTech webinar on Climate Change Adaptation. How did Infrabel deal with the aftermath and what is needed to make the railways more resilient? In July of 2021, an enormous amount […]

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Tags: x Belgium x Flooding x Embankment stability