How a sleepy backwater in Ayrshire helped win the Battle of the Atlantic and defeat the Nazis [Sunday Post]

Date: 30/08/2022

From his study window on the eastern shore of the Firth of Clyde, John Riddell can see the yachts in Fairlie Bay, the defunct Hunterston coal terminal, and the ferry running up the coast to the islands of Cumbrae. For generations, very little of the vista has changed.

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How a sleepy backwater in Ayrshire helped win the Battle of the Atlantic and defeat the Nazis

Sunday Post

From his study window on the eastern shore of the Firth of Clyde, John Riddell can see the yachts in Fairlie Bay, the defunct Hunterston coal terminal, and the ferry running up the coast to the islands of Cumbrae. For generations, very little of the vista has changed.

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