Opinion (An Colun): The railway that was stolen between Birr and Portumna [Offaly Express]

Date: 16/07/2022

A Birr man who is a member of the Irish Railway Record Society drew my attention recently to the interesting story of the stolen railway between Portumna and Birr (or Parsonstown as it was known back then). This rail line existed from 1868 to 1878 and is Ireland's biggest commercial railway failure ...

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OPINION (AN COLN): The railway that was stolen between Birr and Portumna

Offaly Express

A Birr man who is a member of the Irish Railway Record Society drew my attention recently to the interesting story of the stolen railway between Portumna and Birr (or Parsonstown as it was known back then). This rail line existed from 1868 to 1878 and is Ireland's biggest commercial railway failure....

Irish Railway Record Society

Parsontown and Portumna Bridge Railway

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Tags: x Parsontown and Portumna Bridge Railway x The Stolen Railway x Eire