Rochdale MP criticises government for axing railway plans [BBC News]

Date: 19/01/2023

An MP has criticised the government for scrapping rail funding plans. The £500m Restoring Your Railway Fund aimed to reinstate axed local services at stations across the UK, including the Bury to Rochdale via Heywood rail line. Ministers confirmed the scheme would not be going ahead due to 'cost and wider capacity challenges'.

External links

Rochdale MP criticises government for axing railway plans
Rochdale station

BBC News

Ministers confirm a Bury to Rochdale rail line will no longer go ahead due to "cost challenges".

Funding pulled for Bury to Rochdale abandoned railway restoration due to cost concerns | New Civil Engineer

New Civil Engineer

Transport secretary Mark Harper has informed local MPs that the application to restore the abandoned Bury-Heywood-Rochdale line will not progress further

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