A Gourock to Glasgow stopper calls at Paisley St James on 13 July 2019. This is rather a scary location even in broad daylight. In fact the whole of Paisley makes me want to cry. Location: Paisley St James Company: Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock Railway 13/07/2019 David Panton
Paisley St James has recently reopened after a two-and-a-half month
closure for refurbishment. 334 002 stands with a Gourock to Glasgow
stopping service on 1 September as a semi-fast, which didn^t stop,
retreats. [See image 20078 for a comparison.]
Location: Paisley St James Company: Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock Railway 01/09/2010 David Panton
Paisley St James station was to have been moved under the proposed
Glasgow Airport Rail Link. This has of course been shelved and St James is going nowhere, but it is currently having a makeover big enough for it to be closed for 10 weeks over the summer. It is difficult to see what is going on, but nothing obvious has changed yet except that while the other signage still has the SPT logo the street-entrance sign has already been replaced, as can be seen here on 16 June. Location: Paisley St James Company: Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock Railway 16/06/2010 David Panton
eBay has some items listed which may be of interest.