Destructor to be replaced [Evening News]

Date: 03/06/2007

Plans are under consideration to build a new waste processing plant on the site of the former Freightliner Terminal at Portobello replacing the existing Powderhall depot, traditionally referred to as The Destructor. The plant, which would be privately run by waste management firm Viridor, could handle more than twice as much waste as the council's existing facility at Powderhall. The council's plan to replace Powderhall is part of a joint project by the five Lothian and Borders councils. Dan Cooke, of Viridor Waste Management, said: "The facility will provide an integrated solution for household, industrial and commercial wastes. By making use of the existing freightliner terminal at Portobello, we are able to ensure we can move more waste off road and on to rail to our landfill site in Dunbar."

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