
Map extract from around WWII showing the area around Whelley and Kirkless. Running diagonally is the Whelley Loop. Just south of Whelley the formation of the Round House Branch can be seen but all trace of the Iron Works it served has gone after the 1930 closure. Further down is the Wigan Flight of canal locks and then the Springs Branch crosses at right angles. It had been cut back from New Springs to Kirkless workshops where industrial locos were overhauled. The two lines had been linked by the Rose Bridge Jcn to Kirkless curve until 1938 and in 1956 this was reinstated to allow the Springs Branch from here to Central Wagon Works (off the map) to close. The curve closed again in May 1965 with the remaining part of the Springs Branch. Added by Mark Bartlett. Reproduced with the permission of the National Library of Scotland http://maps.nls.uk/index.html

Location: Whelley (former)

Original line: Lancashire Union Railway

Photographer: National Library of Scotland

Contact photographer: National Library of Scotland

Contact editor

Date: 1940

Image number: 88766