Bo^ness High Junction (1851-1933)
Bo^ness Junction (1933-1979)
Opened on the Slamannan and Borrowstounness Railway.
Opened on the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway.
This junction gave the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway access to the Bo'ness branch (Slamannan and Borrowstounness Railway). Approach was from the west. Both lines were doubled with the branch dropping to single track after Bo'ness Low Junction. This layout dated from 1893 when a signal box ('Manuel High Level') opened here. The original 1851 connection was not direct but by reversal, with a very similar layout to today's reversing spur and trailing connection to the E&G.
The first signal box was on the north side of the line on the east side of the road bridge directly west of the junction.
In 1933, when the Causewayend Junction to Bo'ness Low Junction section formally closed, the signal box was replaced. The new box was in the 'V' of the junction between the E&G and the Bo'ness branch. This box also controlled the approach from Almond Junction (the far end of the Slamannan Junction Railway). It also replaced the box at Manuel High Level. The new box was called 'Bo'ness Junction'.
The stub of the Almond line, to Whitecross Brick Factory, closed in 1972. The Bo'ness branch closed in 1979 and the box closed, control of the E&G here passing to the box at Polmont.
Note that through running from Bo'ness to the junction and on to Causewayend was not possible, the two junctions were out of alignment with the Bo'ness connection being west of the Causewayend connection.
Nearby stations Manuel Manuel High Level Manuel Low Level Causewayend [SR] Causewayend [MR] [2nd] Causewayend [MR] [1st] Birkhill Bowhouse Polmont Linlithgow Kinneil [1st] Kinneil Bo^ness [1st] Westfield Bo^ness | Other railway and industry locations Bo^ness Junction Manuel Bo^ness Junction Shed Whitecross Brick Factory Bo^ness Low Junction Canal Lye Almond Junction Almond Ironworks Avonbank Viaduct Causewayend Junction Birkhill Fireclay Mine Avon Viaduct Causewayend Engine House Causewayend Incline Top Tourist/other Avon Aqueduct Muiravonside Country Park |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |