Note: text in square brackets is added for clarity and was not part of the location's name.
Opened on the Caledonian and Dumbartonshire Junction Railway.Nearby stations Bowling Bowling [CR] Old Kilpatrick Bishopton Kilpatrick Dumbarton East Dumbarton Central Northbrae Rockbank Dalreoch South Crook Langbank Dalmuir Georgetown [NFF] Dalmuir [1st] | Dunglass Junction [West] Auchentorlie Tunnel Littlemill Distillery Sidings Bowling Oil Terminal Bowling Shipyard Frisky Wharf Bowling Harbour Bowling Harbour Sidings Tourist/other Dunglass Castle Bell^s Monument Auchentorlie House Littlemill Distillery Bowling Level Crossing Frisky Hall Bowling Basin Signal Box |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |
![]() The Vanished Railways of Old Western Dunbartonshire (Britains Railways/Old Photos) |