Edinburgh Gas Works

Location type


Name and dates

Edinburgh Gas Works


This gas works, also known as the New Street or Canongate gas works, was located east of Edinburgh Waverley on the south side of the line. sidings from the North British Railway made a trailing connection to the westbound line west of Calton Tunnels.

It was noted for the 329 ft ground to cope chimney (341.5 ft from foundation) which was built in 1847 by James Gowans (stonework) and James Bow (bricks from Portobello Brick and Tile Works). On demolition the stone was used in the concrete for Granton Gas Works.

Later a bus depot.


Gas Works

Nearby stations
Edinburgh Waverley
Princes Street [1st]
Picardy Place [Tram]
York Place [Tram]
St Andrew Square [Tram]
McDonald Road [Tram]
Princes Street [Tram]
St Leonards
Leith Walk
Easter Road
Scotland Street
Balfour Street [Tram]
Edinburgh Princes Street
Meadowbank Stadium
Edinburgh Waverley Goods
Edinburgh Signalling Centre
Calton Tunnels
Waterloo Place
Waterloo Place [Tram]
St Ann^s Brewery
Croit an Righ Brewery
Calton Hill
Scottish Parliament
The Balmoral Hotel
Palace of Holyroodhouse
St Giles Cathedral
National Museum of Scotland
Scott Monument
Holyrood Abbey
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.

News items

02/02/2022When an Edinburgh gas works station was a Nazi bombing target during World War II [Edinburgh Live]