This pier was alongside Fort William [1st] station. It was formerly a Caledonian MacBrayne served pier with steamers running down Loch Linnhe to other piers such as that at Kentallen and Oban.
The pier building survives, modified, and is now the Crannog Restaurant .
In addition to the steamers connecting buses ran from the pier from in front of the station.
The station, which was between the pier and the town, has not survived and was replaced by the A82 dual carriageway. A new station, Fort William, opened to the north east.
Highland Ferries operate a service to Camusnagaul in Ardgour across Loch Linnhe from Fort William.
Caledonian MacBrayne have a page Caledonian MacBrayne - Camusnagaul-Fort William .
as do Highland Ferries themselves Highland Ferries - Fort William-Camusnagaul .