Gospel Oak

Location type


Name and dates

Gospel Oak

Station code: GPO National Rail
Where: London and South East, England
Opened on the Hampstead Junction Railway (London and North Western Railway).
Opened on the Tottenham and Hampstead Junction Railway.

News items

24/05/2019New trains arrive on the Overground [ITV News]
05/12/2016Electrification of London Overgrounds Gospel Oak-Barking line 80% complete [GRN]
08/08/2016TfL seeks contractor to build Barking Riverside extension [Railway Gazette]
18/03/2016Arriva lands Overground concession [Rail News]
02/02/2016Eight-month closure planned for GOBLIN electrification [Rail News]
15/10/2013'Extensive damage' after north London derailment [ITV News]