
Location type


Name and dates

Loanhead (1874-1933)

Opened on the Edinburgh, Loanhead and Roslin Railway.


This was a single platform station. It remains an excellent example of a small North British Railway station with platform, station building, station house and goods shed.

Ramsey Colliery was to the immediate west.

The signal box was at the north end and the west side of the public railway, controlling access to the colliery sidings (to the west) and the goods yard (on the east side of the line). The colliery sidings were to the west of the box. There was a loop to the north of the station.

The station closed to passengers in 1933 but the line remained open for goods and minerals.

From 1965 the signal box controlled access to Bilston Glen Colliery (formerly access to Burghlee Colliery) which was to the south and on the west side of the line.

South from Burghlee, over the Bilston Glen Viaduct, closed in 1969. The Loanhead signal box closed in 1972 which is when the line south of Burghlee to the former Roslin Colliery was lifted.

The line to Bilston Glen Colliery closed in 1989 and was left in place for some time.

The line was cut back to the former station platform, the line remaining until it was lifted back to the loop at the south end of Millerhill Yard.



External links

Canmore site record
NLS Collection OS map of 1892-1914
NLS Collection OS map of 1944-67

Chronology Dates

24/02/1998TRANSform Scotland
Proposes line re-openings in Edinburgh. Phase 1 - Millerhill (Park and Ride). Phase 2 - Loanhead and Gorebridge. Phase 3 - Corstorphine, Newtown St Boswells and Haddington. In November 1999 the City Council comments that this may put too much strain on the existing lines.


A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain: Scotland - The Lowlands and the Borders v. 6 (Regional railway history series)

An Illustrated History of Edinburgh's Railways

Forgotten Railways: Scotland

The Glencorse Branch (Locomotion Papers)