Note: text in square brackets is added for clarity and was not part of the location's name.
Opened on the Launceston and South Devon Railway.Nearby stations Lydford [LSW] Brentor Liddaton Halt Mary Tavy and Blackdown Bridestowe Coryton Halt Tavistock North Tavistock South Whitchurch Down Halt Lifton King Tor Halt Maddaford Moor Halt Ingra Tor Halt Meldon Quarry [Station] Princetown | Tavistock Viaduct Millhill Quarry Millhill Quarry Meldon Junction Swelltor Quarries Shillamill Viaduct Grenofen Tunnel Foggintor Quarries Meldon Viaduct Great Consols Mine Meldon Quarry HM Princetown Prison Shillamill Tunnel Quarry Quarry |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |