Oldfield Park

Location type


Name and dates

Oldfield Park

Station code: OLF National Rail
Where: West and South West England, England
Opened on the Great Western Railway.

Chronology Dates

31/08/1840Great Western Railway
Bristol [1st] to Bath opened. Stations on this section at: Bath, Oldfield Park, Saltford, Keynshaw & Somerdale, St Annes Park, and Bristol Temple Meads.

News items

02/04/2016Main Bristol to Bath rail line closed for electrification work [BBC News]


A History of the Great Western Railway

An Illustrated History of Great Western Diesel Railcars

Great Western Railway Then and Now

Great Western Railway: A History

The Great Western Railway Volume One: Paddington to Bristol: 1

The Great Western Railway: 150 Glorious Years (GWR)