St Bees

Location type


Name and dates

St Bees

Station code: SBS National Rail
Opened on the Whitehaven and Furness Junction Railway.
Open on the Cumbrian Coast Railway.

Chronology Dates

  /09/1996Whitehaven and Furness Junction Railway
Storm damage to the coastal defences south of St Bees leads to closure of the line for a week. The sandstone seawall was washed away at three locations.
  /05/1997Whitehaven and Furness Junction Railway
Replacement of the coastal defences south of St Bees which were damaged in 1996.

News items

30/08/2012Train derails in Cumbria after landslide [Guardian]


A Journey on the Cumbria Coast Railway

A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain: The Lake Counties v. 14 (Regional Railway History)

Cumbrian Railway Photographer, William Nash (X Series)

Cumbrian Railways (Sutton's Photographic History of Railways)

Enjoying the Cumbrian Coast Railway

Images of Cumbrian Railways

The Cumbrian Coast Class 108 DMU (1987-1989)

The Furness Railway: a History