Killarney Junction Railway


This railway built by this former railway company remains open. It runs west from Mallow to Killarney, as does its extension north west to Tralee.


  /  /    Killarney Junction Railway
Kanturk renamed Banteer.
  /  /1846Killarney Junction Railway
Line authorised.
16/04/1853Killarney Junction Railway
Opened from Mallow (Great Southern and Western Railway) to Millstreet.
25/05/1853Killarney Junction Railway
Extended from Millstreet to Freemount.
15/07/1853Killarney Junction Railway
Extended from Freemount to Killarney.
11/07/1854Killarney Junction Railway
Great Southern Hotel opened.
31/12/1855Railway Clearing House
By this date, Cork and Bandon Railway, Crieff Junction Railway, Dublin and Belfast Junction Railway, Dublin and Drogheda Railway, Forth and Clyde Junction Railway, Furness Railway, Great Southern and Western Railway, Irish South Eastern Railway, Killarney Junction Railway, Leeds, Bradford and Halifax Junction Railway, Leven Railway, London and South Western Railway, London, Tilbury and Southend Railway, Monkland Railways, Monmouthshire Railway and Canal, Newport, Abergavenny and Hereford Railway, Norfolk Railway, North and South Western Junction Railway, Oxford, Worcester and Wolverhampton Railway, Peebles Railway, Perth and Dunkeld Railway, Shrewsbury and Hereford Railway, St Andrews Railway, Ulster and Dundalk Railway, Waterford and Kilkenny Railway and Waterford and Limerick Railway join.
  /  /1859Tralee and Killarney Railway
Opened from Tralee Junction (Killarney Junction Railway) to Tralee.
  /  /1889Kanturk and Newmarket Railway
Opened from Kanturk (Killarney Junction Railway) to Newmarket [Cork].
  /  /1893Kenmare Branch (Great Southern and Western Railway)
Opened from Headland (Killarney Junction Railway) to Kenmare.
  /  /1934Killarney Junction Railway
CSE beet factory sidings laid in.
  /  /1970Killarney Junction Railway
Webb's Grain Mill, Quarterstown, to Killarney Junction closed.
  /  /1974Killarney Junction Railway
CSE beet factory sidings out of use.
  /  /1993Killarney Junction Railway
Millstreet platform lengthened for the Eurovision Song Contest, being held nearby.

Portions of line and locations

This line is divided into a number of portions.