Figgate Burn Bridge [E&DR]

The Edinburgh and Dalkeith Railway bridge over the Figgate Burn which carried the original route between Niddrie West and Leith. The section running south from here was closed following the opening of the NB direct link from Portobello, which joined the Leith route via a second bridge (built in 1858) just beyond the vegetation on the left. To the right is Baileyfield S&C works. For a wide view of the location see image 75167.

Location: Figgate Burn Bridge [E&DR] (former)

Original line: Edinburgh and Dalkeith Railway

Photographer: John Furnevel

Contact photographer: John Furnevel

Contact editor

Date: 07/09/2016

Image number: 88907

Other photographs of Figgate Burn Bridge [E&DR] on RailScot