Ashton Hall [Private]

Location type


Name and dates

Ashton Hall [Private]

Note: text in square brackets is added for clarity and was not part of the location's name.

Opened on the Glasson Dock Branch (London and North Western Railway).

Nearby stations
Conder Green
Glasson Dock
Lancaster [1st]
Middleton Road Bridge Halt
Scale Hall
Lancaster Green Ayre
Bay Horse
Potters Brook Br 81 [LC]
Heysham Port
Heysham Harbour [1st]
Poulton Lane
Morecambe Euston Road
Bare Lane
Oubeck Loops
Ellel Hall Bridge [LC]
Lancaster Old Junction
Conder Viaduct
Galgate Bridge [LC]
Glasson Branch Junction [LC]
Lancaster Basin
Penny Street Bridge 99 [LC]
Friarage Bridge 100 [LC]
Lancaster New Quay
Lune Mills
Nelson Street Bridge 101 [LC]
Moor Lane Bridge 102 [LC]
Lancaster Castle [Castle]
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.