Drumpellier House

Location type

Name and dates

Drumpellier House


This house was built by Andrew Buchanan [Drumpellier] in 1736-9 on the Drumpellier Estate, west of present day Coatbridge.

The spelling Drumpellier and Drumpeller are used interchangeably and this is reflected in the different spellings used by the considerable number of mines which included the estate name as part of the name.

The Monkland Canal passed the house to the north, cutting through the estate but giving the house itself a wide berth.

Robert Carrick, a noted banker, was to buy much of the land around Drumpellier with an eye to developing mines. In the following years a considerable number of mines were developed, serving both Glasgow's demand and the developing iron industry as Coatbridge came into being.

Used as a hospital in the Great War. The house was gifted to Coatbridge in 1919.

The site of the house itself is now housing, surrounded by a golf course and the northern portion, over the canal, is a Country Park.



External links

Canmore site record
NLS Collection OS map of 1892-1914
NLS Collection OS map of 1944-67