Gorgie Junction

Location type


Name and dates

Gorgie Junction (1884-)

Station code: National Rail
Opened on the Edinburgh, Suburban and Southside Junction Railway.
Opened on the Gorgie Cattle Market Branch (North British Railway).


This is the southern junction of a triangular junction formed by Haymarket West Junction (west), Haymarket Central Junction (east) and Gorgie Junction (south).

The signal box was in the 'V' of the junction.

On the east side was a loop - the siding for the North British Distillery to the north and the Edinburgh Brewery to the south.

On the west side was the approach to the Gorgie Cattle Market Branch (North British Railway), Gorgie East Goods and Gorgie Mills. The box was replaced in 1897.

The box closed in 1975 and junction simplified. Control passed to Haymarket.

The suburban line is used as a goods bypass for Edinburgh Waverley which approaches by the west junction. Formerly the east junction was used by a circular passenger service. The west curve is double track and east is now singled due to less regular use.



Chronology Dates

17/05/1905Edinburgh, Suburban and Southside Junction Railway
Siding from Gorgie Junction for Gorgie Mills opened.
25/05/1968Gorgie Castle Market [NB]
Gorgie Mills siding to Gorgie Junction (excluded) closed.