Newton Aycliffe

Location type


Name and dates

Newton Aycliffe

Station code: NAY National Rail
Where: North East England, England
Opened on the Stockton and Darlington Railway.

Chronology Dates

  /  /2011Hitachi Rail Europe
Chooses Newton Aycliffe for their new factory site, Hitachi Rail Europe Newton Aycliffe.

News items

16/11/2022Start of dynamic testing marks another milestone for Avanti West Coasts new fleet [Avanti West Coast]
10/12/2021Pictures: Inside the Hitachi factory in Aycliffe that will build new HS2 trains [The Northern Echo]
29/09/2020Hitachi targets export opportunities from Newton Aycliffe [RAIL]
14/09/2020North East is 'again becoming synonymous with the best trains in the world' [RAIL]
03/09/2020Hitachi Rail celebrates five years of train building in the North East [Hitachi Rail]
24/04/2020First Rail announces new trains and additions to the management [Railway Technology]
17/04/2020Hitachi Rail starts staged process to return to operational efficiency in Newton Aycliffe [Rail Business Daily]
03/04/2020Bombardier and CAF suspend train production, while Hitachi reduces workload [RAIL]
16/01/2020Threat to Newton Aycliffe jobs as train orders wind down [RAIL]
10/01/2020Hitachi makes changes at Newton Aycliffe factory as IEP production ends [Railway Gazette]


Stockton & Darlington Railway Rail 150 Exhibition Steam Cavalcade: Souvenir guide

The Origins of Railway Enterprise: The Stockton and Darlington Railway 1821-1863

The Stockton and Darlington Railway: 175 Years (Britain in Old Photographs)