Sinking of the colliery began in 1893 under Thomas Aitken of the Fife Coal Co Ltd, it was in production by 1895/96. The colliery had an adjoining washery. It was east of the village of Kelty.
This colliery was on the east side of the Kinross-shire Railway alongside, and to the east of Kelty station. Access was from the north from the Kinross-shire Railway, the Lochore Branch (North British Railway) and Kelty Yard. Sidings, and an aerial ropeway, reached out to the east as far as Loch Ore for spoil disposal. Spoil was initially dumped in a bing to the north of the site, served by a narrow gauge line.
The colliery was closed in 1963 by the National Coal Board.
Nearby stations Kelty Lochgelly Cowdenbeath Blairadam Cowdenbeath (Old) Crossgates (Fife) Cardenden Halbeath Loch Leven Curler^s Platform Dunfermline Queen Margaret Kinross [2nd] Loch Leven Kinross Junction [1st] Kinross [1st] Kinross Junction [2nd] | Kelty North Junction Kelty South Junction Kelty Yard Kelty Coup Lindsay Colliery Pits Nos 4 and 5 Kelty Pit No 3 Lumphinnans Colliery Pits Nos 11 and 12 Kelty Tramway Bridge Kelty Gas Works Kelty Pit No 1 Benarty Colliery Benarty Signal Box Blairadam Colliery Pit No 1 Tourist/other Loch Ore Main Street Level Crossing [Kelty] |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |
24/03/1893 | Fife Coal Company Aitken Colliery (Kelty) established by Thomas Aitken of the Fife Coal Company. |
/ /1896 | Fife Coal Company Aitken Colliery in production. |
/09/1944 | Fife Coal Company Benarty Mine opened. Coal was taken by road and washed at the nearby Aitken Colliery. |
/ /1963 | National Coal Board Aitken Colliery (Kelty) closed. |
![]() Forgotten Railways: Scotland |