Arbroath Signal Box

Location type

Names and dates

Wellgate Signal Box (-1911)
Arbroath North Signal Box (1911-1971)
Arbroath Signal Box (1971-)

Opened on the Arbroath and Forfar Railway.


Arbroath signal box remains open today, alongside Wellgate level crossing.

Wellgate Signal Box

This signal box was at the Wellgate level crossing, north of Arbroath station (and Arbroath Junction). It was on the east side of the line, just south of the level crossing.

To the north was 'Arbroath Engine Sheds' box, at Arbroath Shed [1st].

To the south, on the west side, was a works served by a siding on its east side which made a trailing connection to the northbound line at Wellgate. This seems to have had a traverser into the works.

A works building was on the east side, its sidings making a trailing connection to the southbound line.

Arbroath North Signal Box

The Wellgate box closed in 1911 when replaced with 'Arbroath North' box, which also replaced 'Arbroath Junction' box at Arbroath Harbour Junction.

The new box was on the site of the former Wellgate box.

Arbroath Signal Box

'Arbroath North' is still open. Today it is called simply 'Arbroath', renamed with the closure of 'Arbroath South' at the south end of the station in 1971.

The box cantilevers out over the line, the brick base being smaller than the upper.

The level crossing remains. A lattice footbridge crosses the line alongside, and to the south of, the level crossing.


Signal box level crossing


The Arbroath and Forfar Railway: The Dundee Direct Line and the Kirriemuir Branch (Oakwood Library of Railway History)