
Location type


Name and dates


Opened on the Leven Dock Railway.
Opened on the Kirkland Yard and Leven Dock to Methil Line Widening (North British Railway).


A new terminus serving Leven, Innerleven and Methil will be built below the A955 Bawbee Bridge which crosses over the River Leven and the former freight only line to Methil Power Station and the docks. This new site for the terminus is required as the sites of Leven [1st] and Leven [2nd] stations are not available.

The railway will be double track and electrified. There will be a car park (directly by the former Leven Dock) and connecting bus services.

This was not formerly the site of a station. The site was originally served by the single track Leven Dock Railway which ran from near Leven [1st] station to the long lost Leven Dock. The railway was later replaced and greatly expanded by the construction of the line from East Fife Central Junction through Kirkland Yard becoming a quadruple track railway to the Methil Docks and on to form a loop with a connection at Methil. The station will be built on this former quadruple track section just west of the former Methil East Junction and disused multi-track plate girder bridge over the Leven.

The line has been disused for many years, particularly following the closure and demolition of the power station.


Station terminus



Nearby stations
Leven [1st]
Leven [2nd]
Cameron Bridge
Cameron Bridge [1st]
Lundin Links
Wemyss Castle
West Wemyss
Thornton Junction [W&BR]
Thornton Junction
Glenrothes with Thornton
Methil East Junction
Wemyss Saw Planing and Moulding Mills
Leven Dock
Kirkland Loop
Methil Power Station
Methil Hydraulic Power Station
Durie Foundry
Aberhill Tram Depot
Leven Colliery Nos 1 and 2 Pits
Cuttlehill Brick and Tile Works
River Leven [Fife]
Burnmill Level Crossing
Methil Dock No 3
Waggon Road Level Crossing [Leven]
Methil Dock No 1
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.

News items

09/01/2024Trains given green light to use Levenmouth Rail Link [Network Rail]
08/01/2024Milestone as first passenger train in 54 years leaves Leven railway station [The Courier]
31/12/20238 major shops and attractions opening in Tayside and Fife in 2024 [The Courier]
22/12/2023Closure of Leven footpath [Network Rail]
19/12/2023Levenmouth almost reconnected [Rail Engineer]
01/12/2023Bawbee Bridge re-opens earlier than planned [Network Rail]
24/11/2023Council looks at options after Leven rail link closes three historic crossings [Fife Today]
21/11/2023Date announced for Leven Road bridge to re-open. [Network Rail]
21/11/2023Levenmouth Rail Link: Date set for reopening of Leven's Bawbee Bridge [Fife Today]
14/11/2023Former iron foundry site earmarked for development as part of Leven rail link [Fife Today]