Pulpit Rock

Location type

Name and dates

Pulpit Rock

Opened on the Tourist - Attractions.


This large rock was used as a makeshift outdoor church. Due to the low population immediately nearby there was no church, the minister from Arrochar offering to preach if a pulpit and vestry could be arranged. A hollowed out chamber in the rock, fitted with a door, formed the vestry and pulpit which faced out over the people sat outside with Loch Lomond behind them. The rock is on the east side of the West Highland Railway. Due to tree growth it cannot usually be seen but is clearly visible from the parallel road on the lochside.

Canmore - Pulpit Rock



External links

Canmore site record
NLS Collection OS map of 1892-1914
NLS Collection OS map of 1944-67

Nearby stations
Glen Falloch Platform
Arrochar and Tarbet
RNTR Arrochar Pier
Crianlarich Lower
Loch Dochart [Private]
Glen Douglas Halt
Tyndrum Lower
Tyndrum [1st]
Upper Tyndrum
Whistlefield Halt
McGregors Landing
Creagan Ardain Tunnel
Craigenarden Viaduct
Loch Sloy Power Station
Inveruglas Viaduct
Island I Vow Castle
Ardlui Pier
Ardlui Hotel
Kaid Carn
Ben Vorlich North Peak
Ben Vorlich
Rob Roy^s Cave
Inveruglas Visitor Centre
Inveruglas Castle
Loch Sloy Dam
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.

Chronology Dates

08/08/1906West Highland Railway
Accident at Pulpit Rock, by Loch Lomond.