Nearby stations Clarkston Giffnock Whitecraigs Muirend Spiersbridge Busby Thornliebank Patterton Langside Kennishead Cathcart Cathcart [1st] Pollokshaws West Pollokshaws East Thorntonhall | Clarkston West Junction Clarkston East Junction Muirend Carriage Sidings New Braidbar Quarry Orchard Quarry Braidbar Quarry Burnfield Siding Busby Viaduct Washwall^s New Siding English Quarry Washwall^s Old Siding Giffnock Brick Works Thornliebank Goods Busby Print Works Tourist/other Greenbank Garden |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |
09/07/1929 | Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway Williamwood station opened. This obliterated the former Clarkston West Junction. |
17/05/2023 | Train services in Glasgow face disruption after lorry crashes into rail bridge [STV] |
28/09/2022 | Poor access means second-class service for disabled passengers [Barrhead News] |
![]() Forgotten Railways: Scotland |