Bridgeton Bank Yard

Location type


Name and dates

Bridgeton Bank Yard

Opened on the Dalmarnock Branch (Caledonian Railway).


This yard is on the east side of the lines at the north end of Rutherglen station. Its northern connection is, by reversal, at Rutherglen North Junction and its southern connection is at Rutherglen Central Junction. The yard consists of looped sidings on its west side and dead end sidings on its east side, approached from the south. The dead end sidings were in two groups, the eastern set are largely lifted.

The yard is chiefly used as a permanent way depot although it has been used for freight layovers, for example alumina to Fort William.

The yard was historically the exchange yard for Phoenix Tube Works, Clyde Wire Rope Works, Scotia Works, Ferme Colliery (the southern end of the yard has Ferme Colliery Junction) and other nearby works.


Sidings yard permanent way