Elmbank Foundry

Location type


Name and dates

Elmbank Foundry

Nearby stations
St Georges Cross [Subway]
Cowcaddens [Subway]
Buchanan Street
Charing Cross [GC and DR]
Kelvinbridge [Subway]
Kelvin Bridge
Buchanan Street [Subway]
Glasgow (Townhead)
Glasgow Queen Street Low Level
Glasgow Queen Street High Level
Glasgow Central
St Rollox [2nd]
Possilpark and Parkhouse
Port Dundas Sugar Refinery
Oakbank Foundry
Hamiltonhill Timber Basin
Great Canal Brewery
North Spiers Wharf
Port Dundas Power Station
City of Glasgow Grain Mills and Stores
Glasgow Saw Mills
Hamiltonhill Basin
Oakbank Mill
Milton Foundry
Victoria Foundry [Hamiltonhill]
Milton Iron works
Phoenix Iron Works [2nd]
Dundashill Distillery
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line.