This station is closed and the main building is now a private house. The stone road underline bridge to the east of the site has been removed (it was Tudor styled and survived until about 1975 - a near identical bridge survives just east of the former Dubton station).
The main building was on the southbound platform. There was a long siding on the northbound line, approached by reversal. The signal box was at the west end of the southbound platform.
The station closed in 1956, the box closed in 1965 and the line closed completely in 1967.
The very small village of Farnell is just to the north.
Nearby stations Bridge of Dun Glasterlaw Brechin Lunan Bay Friockheim Inverkeilor Leysmill Guthrie Cauldcots Montrose Dubton Montrose [CR] Colliston Broomfield Letham Grange | Pow Burn Bridge Woodside Farm Bridge South Esk Viaduct [Bridge of Dun] Kincraig Siding Bridge of Dun [Minor Bridge] Bridge of Dun [Bridge] Brechin East Junction Brechin Shed [2nd] City Sawmills [Brechin] [Brechin West Junction] Glasterlaw Junction Brechin Goods [2nd] Tourist/other Muirmills Level Crossing Kinnaird Castle Powmouth Level Crossing |
Location names in dark blue are on the same original line. |
01/02/1848 | Aberdeen Railway Guthrie Junction and Friockheim Junction (merging at Glasterlaw Junction) to termini at Brechin and Montrose [CR] (dividing at Bridge of Dun) opened. Stations opened at Guthrie, Glasterlaw, Farnell Road, Bridge of Dun, Brechin, Montrose [CR]. Coaches connected with trains at Montrose [CR] allowing passengers to continue north. |