Dalzell Works Signal Box

Location type

Name and dates

Dalzell Works Signal Box (1900-1972)

Opened on the Wishaw and Coltness Railway.


This box was on the south side of the West Coast Main Line at the point where the lines to the Dalzell Steel Works branched off to the north west. It replaced Colville's Sidings Signal Box (see entry for main details).

The box was necessitated by a great increase in sidings for the works. It was a timber built box opened in 1900.

Passing underneath, just to the west, was the alignment from Motherwell South Signal Box which flew under to reach the Lanarkshire Yard in the north part of the Dalzell Works and from which the Glasgow Rolling Stock and Plant Works and Lanarkshire Steel Works could be reached by reversal. This was the Dellburn Branch named for the works near the start of the branch.

The box closed in 1972 when the layout was considerably cut back. the Motherwell Signalling Centre took over the main line and remaining sidings.


Signal box junction


A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain: Scotland - The Lowlands and the Borders v. 6 (Regional railway history series)

Bradshaw's Guides Scotlands Railways West Coast - Carlisle to Inverness: 5

Old Newmains and the Villages Around Wishaw

Old Wishaw

Wishaw 1896: Lanarkshire Sheet 18.03 (Old O.S. Maps of Lanarkshire)