Vital track renewals project for Ayr line [Network Rail Article]

Date: 18/04/2008

Network Rail is to invest £3m on replacing track, points and ballast on sections of the line between Glasgow and Ayr. The vital maintenance programme, which will help deliver a continued regular and reliable service for passengers, will run for four consecutive weekends from Saturday, April 26 to Sunday, May 18 (Apr 26/27, May 3/4/5, 10/11 and 18). The work will require bus replacement services to operate between Troon and Ayr over the affected weekends, and on bank holiday Monday, May 5. The buses will call at Prestwick Town, Prestwick Airport and Newton-on-Ayr.

External links

Network Rail Article

Related images

Buses seen at Prestwick Town in September 2018. The 7-coach rush hour EMU trains stop and start at Prestwick Town with bus connections.
Location: Prestwick
Company: Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway
17/09/2018 Colin Miller
Prestwick looking to the southbound platform.
Location: Prestwick
Company: Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway
//1987 Ewan Crawford
Stranraer bound train approaching Prestwick.
Location: Prestwick
Company: Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr Railway
//1987 Ewan Crawford

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